Archive for August, 2012

Kissing the Stone: Issue 35 Action Shots!

Posted in Action Photos!, Issue Thirty-Five with tags , , , on August 24, 2012 by mohawko

Operative Tyler took a stroll around the sculpture gardens of the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis. Here are the returns, like paintings.



Like nebulae.







You have seen Tyler’s chops before. Early on in the SPR’s history, when our cagey editor was still wearing all of the stories himself, Tyler was the primary action-shot photographer.


For Those Without Bodies


Since the beginning.







(A fish.)


Talking to Strangers


Huge thanks to Tyler for being so patient in waiting for this story to come and for these elegant photos when it finally did.


Big news next week, warnings of possible prizes. Stay tuned.

Issue Thirty-Five!!

Posted in Issue Thirty-Five with tags , , , on August 20, 2012 by mohawko

WOW. Thirty-five issues. It’s been a long time. This week, we’re being worn around the Minneapolis/St. Paul area by none other than Operative Tyler, the first person to whom the hare-brained scheme that was SPR was described almost a year ago, with a piece of poetry contributed by the ultimate in literary wanderlust. LET’S GO:



Steve Roggenbuck

Operative: Tyler Pry (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN)

About the author: Steve Roggenbuck is a traveling poet and video blogger. Here are his website and twitter and facebook.

About the operative: While not teaching children how to read in AmeriCorps, Tyler Pry is training for a marathon and putting off ’til tomorrow what should be done today.


Next month, we’ll celebrate our first year of existence (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I SURE CAN’T NOPE), hopefully with prizes. x

Happy Food! Issue 34 Action Shots & A Report from Berit

Posted in Action Photos!, Issue Thirty-Four with tags , , , , on August 10, 2012 by mohawko

HELLO THERE. We have photos of teeming masses in Norway, with whom Berit shared elbow space during a giant food festival a few weeks ago, alongside a report from the operative herself. Dig in:

“Happy Food”:
a report by Berit Ellingsen

I had the pleasure of wearing Chad Patton’s story at a local food festival named “Gladmat,” which means “happy food” in English.

The festival sees mainly adults from the age of 18 to 50, many couples and groups of friends. We therefore decided that a story about unhappy or unrequited love would suit the food well. Simon selected Chad Patton’s little tale about domestic disharmony and sent the story with a bag o’ pins well ahead of time.

In case of really bad weather, which one always has to take into account in Norway, we decided that I’d wear the story at the local IKEA, for the sardonic flavor.

On the Friday of the festival, the weather was grey and overcast, but not too cold. People didn’t seem to mind the less than perfect weather and turned up in large numbers to sample the baked goods, cakes, smoothies, juices, vegetables, sea food, meat dishes, liquor and food related presentations and events on offer. While walking in the crowds between two lines of food tents, beer tents and restaurant tables along the pier, I learned that

1: In a dense crowd people have to watch their step more than the people and the stories around them.

2: In a dense crowd near water, one should not go too close to the edge, in case someone has an episode of poor balance.

I therefore decided to avoid the densest crowds and sought out more open parts of the festival crowds. I also walked further up into the city streets, where there were quite a few cruise-ship tourists sightseeing and shopping.

Saturday was sunny and warm, which brought even denser crowds to the festival. I heard several different Norwegian dialects, from the north, south, east and west of the country, plus Swedish, British English, American English, Scottish English, Spanish, Italian and German, so the story was potentially seen by people from all over the world.

Every year the food festival draws tens of thousands of people over the long weekend it lasts. It has not yet been announced how many people were at this year’s festival, but it didn’t seem any less than in previous years.


* * *

See you soon. There may be exciting announcements next week if things go our way (we sometimes try to force things to go our way; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t). We hope we will.

Issue Thirty-Four!!

Posted in Issue Thirty-Four with tags , , , on August 8, 2012 by mohawko

For the latest issue of the Safety Pin Review, we have once again traveled far across the seas, this time, allllll the way to Stavanger, Norway, land of the fjords, where this story was worn by previous SPR contributor Berit Ellingsen. There are pictures of thousands to come, but in the meantime, HERE LOOK THERE IT IS CATCH IT BEFORE THE DISCORD HITS YOU:



For Sale: Sold”

by Chad Patton

Operative: Berit Ellingsen (Stavanger, Norway)

In case you have trouble reading, the story goes a little sumthin’ like this:

For Sale:  Sold
She heard the noise;
I heard it too. We
looked in places unexplor-
ed, nooks and crannies,
ceilings and floors.
We found each other,
nothing more.

About the author: Chad Patton is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives in Grand Rapids, MI. His works can be seen in Unstuck‘s Twitter Fiction Contest, Specter Magazine, and Commas and Colons. He is currently working on a novel about Nicaragua. You can find his tweets under @chadisman.

About the operative: Berit Ellingsen is a Korean-Norwegian writer whose stories have appeared in many places online and in print. Her novel, The Empty City, is a story about silence. Find out more at


Stay tuned for the throngs, later this week. Oh yes, the throngs.

A GIANT FREAKING VEGETABLE :) Issue 33 Action Shots!!

Posted in Action Photos!, Issue Thirty-Three with tags , , , on August 3, 2012 by mohawko

Wor(l)d: for your adoration, these action shots, featuring Operative Erin wearing Russ‘s(‘s) story from our 33rd issue around Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

First, we have two pictures from Jazzercise. Because no two things go better together than salads and exercise (because they are both healthy, right).

Fix Ur Muskles

Please imagine: exercising inside a giant salad. You would never find your footing, because you would always be sinking. Fine for sleeping, but, please, have you ever tried dancing on an enormous tomato?


I didn’t think so.

These next two are from a place called the Hip Stitch (in Arabic, phonetically: هيب ستيتش) in Albuquerque.

I Got You This Muscleman for Christmas

This is some fabric featuring hunky men at Christmastime. I will one day have pants made out of hunky men (although my men will be outdoorsy, not Christmasy).

Anne is All Thumbs

Here is Flat Anne. She travels all over the world. She and Sara and Sara’s dog would probably be good friends.

One Enormous Vegetable


A GIANT PUMPKIN. At a bio park.

Hello, Mr. Punkin.


On the train to Santa Fe. This small child would get along with Sara’s dog, and Sara too. She seems very agreeable. And cute.

“Can You Do Black Sabbath?”

Russ Woods’s poetry, read to harp accompaniment.




(not a dog)


Fiiiissshhhhh Heeeeeeeeeaaaaddddds

Sandfish (Not For Eating).


Double-teaming the SPR. This our operative’s mother, Meg. Aforementioned adorable child Lily seems very wary, in her polka dots.


Hopefully these made you a little bit happier.

See you next week. : )